so lets get to that countdown of the worst character deaths of 2016. (there are most likely spoilers in here so beware...)
12 - Justin Voight - Chicago PD

This was such a sad death, Justin wasn't a regular but had been in the show (and Chicago Fire) many times and his character had grown so much; from the teenager drink driving to the happy settled down dad. Even though he wasn't one of my all time favourite characters; to watch from the moment his dad found him to the moment he was pronounced dead was heartbreaking, his character seemed to have changed his life for the better but still managed to get mixed up in something that ended up killing him.
11 - Toby Cavanaugh - Pretty Little Liars

ok, so technically we don't know if he is actually dead (and he most probably isn't considering Keegan seemed to be filming a lot after the mid season finale aired...but lets pretend I don't stalk the casts snapchats) but ending the episode on such a cliffhanger just makes my heart break. Toby is such an amazing character and has grown so much in the show and for him to die this close to the end and without telling Spencer how much he loves her (spoby forever) is just awful...I pray to god he is still alive because I don't want to see Rosewood without Toby!
10 - Eli Hudson - Scream
oh Eli, I don't think I've ever felt so guilty about a death before! I spent the entire season convinced he was the killer (even though I had thought it was Kieran in the first season....but he couldn't have possibly killed his dad... how wrong was I!) The finale was such a thrill ride, I was legit screaming when Eli and Kieran both showed up, but turns out Eli was just trying to save Emma from his psycho cousin Kieran who ended up shooting him which happened so fast and was utterly insane!
9 - Jake Fitzgerald - Scream

I didn't truly start to love Jake until the end of season 1 and then he got killed off early in season 2 which was super sad. The way he died was awful, basically strung upside down and then the front of him being sliced open...I had to hide from the screen! The worst part of his death was when it was revealed he was actually dead and his body, blood and guts came down onto the stage and over where Brooke was standing, it truly broke my heart!
8 - Kieran Wilcox - Scream
Although he was a psycho killer I am incredibly sad about this death, I have loved Kieran from the moment he came on my screen and think he was amazing throughout the show. Even when he had to switch from the Kieran we knew to the killer Kieran, it was amazing! When I found out he was going to be in the Halloween special, I was so excited thinking he was going to be teaming up with the new ghost face but no, the new guy sliced his throat open and he way to ruin my day!
7 - Zoe Vaughn - Scream

This broke my heart! Literally never been so broken! Noah and Zoe were so cute and this whole episode just had me so anxious. I honestly thought Noah was going to die, and then I fully believed they were both okay until they opened the box Zoe was in and she was dead...I cried so bad, it was incredibly sad to watch. She was so nice and could've made a great new character...I wish she hadn't died.
6 - Lincoln - The 100
So weird enough I haven't actually fully seen this death as I stopped watching after Lexa's died...I sort of explain below but after finding out Lincoln had died I just can't bring myself to watch it. I was going to watch it again but I just haven't found the time so you'll just have to have a brief opinion on this. I really wasn't expecting it especially two episodes after they killed off Lexa, Lincoln was such a great character with a really good backstory and was involved in great story lines. His relationship with Octavia was one of the best things about the show and to have that all thrown away with this death is just awful. Hopefully one day I'll be able to carry on watching this show but for now I just can't get back into it.
5 - Hannah Wilson - Home and Away
If you thought Home and Away was just a light hearted drama in a beach town you were very wrong! When someone dies it is always so freaking heartbreaking that it takes me forever to get over. Hannah's death was so shocking and sudden, there had previously been a massive explosion at the caravan park where her nephew dies (I'll talk more about him next), and because she was a nurse she went back to work thinking she was fine. She then collapses in the hallway and then watching Nate try to resuscitate her was heartbreaking as he wouldn't give up even though she was already dead. Evie finding out her aunt had died just after her twin brother had too made it even sadder, like I was sobbing so much!
4 - Oscar MacGuire - Home and Away
Oscars death truly was one of the most heartbreaking things I have seen, Since being in the show he's been pretty inseparable from his twin sister Evie and I loved the whole twin element of their story line, so to see one of them dead is quite shocking to me. Oscar died in the explosion, but you don't actually see him die, they just find his body. The saddest thing about his death is his twin sister Evie, played by Philippa Northeast, her finding out that her twin had died had me crying so much, she collapsed on the floor and was in it was incredible acting and then when she went to see his body in the hospital I was seriously sobbing.
3 - Lexa - The 100

This death, oh this death was the start to my hatred of The 100. I hate to say that I hate it because I was fully obsessed when it started because it was one of the greatest things I'd seen but it started disappointing me and then just never stopped. I was so excited for season 3 because one of my favourite actress Rhiannon Fish was going to be in it (I'm pretty sure her character died too) but Lexa's death was just so unnecessary and stupid that it annoyed me but at the same time I was shipping Clexa so much that I just could not stop crying.
2 - Wes Gibbons - How To Get Away With Murder

Wow, this one was a shocker! Each season has a different focus; Season 1 being "Who killed Sam/Lila?", Season 2, "who shot Annalise?" and then Season 3 was "Who's under the sheet?" and it ended up being poor baby Wes! He's been the centre of each story line so I don't know why this shocked me so much, he wasn't the greatest character in the show but he was definitely such a centre point that I didn't think he would get killed off. By the show revealing a person who was alive each week made it even more tense (also it was made to seem like Wes was alive, which killed me) because it gave me time to think of the at one point I was so convinced it was Connor! Then watching all the events of that night unfold, especially knowing who was under the sheet...just cant keep away from spoilers, was such an emotional piece of television and seeing everyone's reactions while still sobbing made it worse; Meggy and Laurel both sobbing in the hospital bed just made me cry like a baby! I found out that Wes was the one that dies before I had watched the episode and I was so concerned with the fact he died without knowing what happened to Rebecca, then when he actually finds out in the episode I was honestly so heartbroken and it just made it a million times more upsetting for me! But the worst thing being that it wasn't even the fire that killed more to be revealed about this death!
1 - Lincoln Campbell - Agents of Shield
I only started watching Agents of Shield again (after only making it through a few episodes the first time) because Luke Mitchell was in it...even though I knew how it was going to end for him. I binged it and had all 3 seasons finished in like 3 days (yay to NOWTV and being home alone that week) and yeah obviously it killed me. As soon as I started shipping Daisy/Lincoln I knew it just wasn't going to end well for me...not only was I going to have to watch my favourite actors character die again, my ship was also going to be dead. The whole scene with them talking over a communication system, Daisy crying and Lincoln trying to tell her it was his destiny was completely heartbreaking. It then also gave me major Doctor Who Ten/Rose feels (and not in a good way) with the cut off "I love you" like I don't think I could've cried anymore than I did. Lincoln was such a great character and I really wished he hadn't been killed off but I cannot wait to see what happens in the next season.
Well 2016 has been a pretty crappy year within real and TV life, hopefully 2017 gets better and hopefully I can change my life around a bit, so much I need to find the time to do and I feel like I can finally do it...but lets hope I'm not back here next year saying the exact same thing!!
Happy New Year!