So today hasn't actually been that great for me...I don't know why, I just woke up feeling really down which is the only way I can explain it.
I then had a very unexpected telephone interview from a company that had already emailed me saying I wasn't experienced enough for the job...but hey I still went ahead with it. I've also spent the majority of my day applying for jobs as I need something full time because I'm constantly finding myself having no money!
My phone upgrade is due tomorrow which I am super excited for because my phone has been really rubbish recently...if you've ever owned an iPhone you know after a while it just doesn't work as well and the battery drains all the time (never going to stop me buying them though!) So I'm hopefully going to get an iPhone 7...exciting times!!
It is over half way through the month and I still haven't cheated on my diet...which is super insane for me! So far I've lost 4lbs (which really isn't a lot...but I guess its something). I'm changing a lot with myself and hope that I can stay committed to this diet and become successful and not like every other failed diet I've been on within my life!
I decided I'm going to start collecting all the little free samples I get from magazines until I get a good range of products and do little reviews on each of them on a post..hopefully it shouldn't take me too long!
So that's all for now...see you on my next post!