The main thing I need to do for the rest of my weight loss journey is to exercise more but I HATE EXERCISE. I always have, PE was seriously the worst subject throughout my school life, I barely made any effort and considering I had the same teacher the whole time its fair to say she probably got fed up of trying with me. But looking back on that, even with all the funny stories that come with my hate for exercise, I definitely should have made more of an effort because that was a major contributor to my unhealthiness.
For Christmas I was given Harry Judd's 'Get Fit, Get Happy' book and it has become the new obsession of my life. Not only does it include a fitness plan and lots of different workouts it has a big chunk of Harry's story at the beginning of how he struggled with addiction, anxiety and OCD and how exercise has helped him. There was a lot to Harry's story that I didn't know about which has given me a brand new love and respect for him. The whole concept of the book is to show that exercise is not only good for the body but also the mind. I keep making comments about how this book is my 'bible' but I truly mean it, I never knew how much I would connect and how much it would motivate me.
I knew that part of the book was Harry's personal story but I didn't realise that there would be as much as there was. I have always considered myself such a big Mcfly fan seeing as I have loved them since the age of 8 but I couldn't help but feel guilty at the fact that I never knew most of what I was reading and how much Harry had been through. The biggest thing that stuck out to me was when he talks about being in the film Just My Luck, I remember seeing it for the first time and just being in awe over the fact the band were in it, but reading how much Harry was hurting during the filming of it just breaks my heart. Another thing is how much anxiety he had while doing Strictly Come Dancing, obviously I know that at times anxiety can be invisible, but its crazy how much I never noticed purely because it was the highlight of my week.
After reading the whole of Harry's story I am so thankful that he got the help he needed when he did because I seriously couldn't and wouldn't want to imagine a life without Harry Judd.
The second part of the book is a fitness plan filled with different exercises ranging from beginner, intermediate and advanced as well as dances that Harry thinks will help make exercise 'fun' (above is just a quick glimpse into what you could do..there is also one called 'selfie workout' which if you know me you know its very well suited!). The majority of the exercises are things that you can fit around your everyday routine. They are quick and easy to follow. I have been trying to fit around half an hour of exercise into my day by using different parts of the fitness plan and it is definitely proving successful so far! I am also adapting to the 'get fit, get happy' mentality, I had a bit of a crappy weekend where usually I would just lay in bed watching TV but instead I pulled out the book and done a workout when I felt like I needed motivating and it really did improve my mood!
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post!
If you're looking for something to inspire you, motivate you, and help you change your life then I would definitely recommend picking this up! Not only is it amazing for help with workouts, it also includes many photos of Harry, which definitely isn't a bad thing!