Today's post is going to be the Liebster Award Tag which is a great way to learn about other bloggers. I was tagged by imwithbeth and she gave me 11 question to answer, then I shall tag 11 other bloggers and give them 11 questions to answer!
1. Why did you start blogging?
I had always loved writing, and I had just started watching Awkward, where the main character writes a blog, and thought I could do it too (tv forever influencing my life) it also happened around a time in my life when I didn't have a solid friend group so it was something to focus on instead of just being alone 24/7 (which actually sounds pretty sad when I say that..)
2. What is a quote/motto you live by?
It has to be what my mum has always told me and I'm pretty sure her mum used to tell her as well which is "ignore stupid people", it is pretty simple and self explanatory but to be honest its pretty great advice.
3. If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be and why?
New York! It looks so great, like there are so many amazing places to visit there, also so many of my favourite shows were based there so it would be like stepping into their universe.
4. Where do you see your blog in 5 years?
I hope that I am still writing it, I'd really hope to improve it by getting a better computer and camera for photos. I use my iPhone 7 right now which is pretty good but I could improve a little more!
5. Who is your favourite blogger/influencer?
I'm really loving Maria J, her content is always so interesting and informative, her photography is seriously so amazing and she seems like such a nice girl!
6. What advice would you give to new bloggers?
Don't be ashamed! I was very reluctant to share my blog with anyone when I first started it because I'm constantly worried about what people will think of me, but since sharing it on Twitter/Instagram/Facebook I have had nothing but good comments which make me feel so much better about it and inspires me to write more!
7. What is your biggest fear?
Spiders! I literally cannot stand being anywhere near them, like to the point of crying (god help me). Weirdly enough about 20 minutes before starting to write this I had a spider appear on my arm which I freaked out over and ended up having to jump in the shower because I felt like it was still on me!
8. What is your favourite TV series?
Friends, like is there any other? I'm seriously obsessed with it (my blog name is chandler inspired if you didn't know) and I am constantly watching it and laughing as hard as the first time. I cannot understand how people have never watched it/do not like HOW???
9. What is your favourite accessory?
If I'm honest this was a really hard question, because I couldn't think of anything. I'm not much of a jewellery person but I have this necklace that my aunt got me which I love, it is super cute and goes with everything.
10. If you could only eat one item of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Pizza, and weirdly just cheese and simple but so amazing! (if you didn't know...I'm obsessed with pizza).
11. What can you not live without?
My phone! I know that is a stupidly boring answer (and my mum would expect me to say her) but I do everything on my phone and it is constantly in my hand, I would be seriously lost without it.
The 11 bloggers I have decided to tag are:
Emily Bashforth
The Wrights Life
Black Coffee Blog
Finally, my 11 questions are:
1. When you were younger, what did you want to grow up to be?
2. Coke or Pepsi?
3. If you were to plan a 3 course meal, what would it be?
4. What's your favourite colour?
5. What is your go to song?
6. What has improved since you started your blog and what do you wish to improve?
7. What is your favourite film scene?
8. If you could meet any celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
9. What was the last book you read?
10. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?
11. What is your favourite piece of clothing?
I hope you enjoyed this post and will come back for my next one! Don't forget to check out the blogs that are linked in this post!