Friday, 25 November 2016

When TV and music meet...

ok ok ok, lets be honest...I've been slacking with this recently (to be honest I've been slacking with a lot) but I really do want to get back into regularly posting, also maybe adding a few make up posts (although I am in no way a beauty guru...) so for today I'm just going to stick with a TV related post!

I thought I would post my favourite songs from TV shows, as most of the music I listen to comes from shows, also I think the right song in a certain scene can have many effects on you so I shall be adding a little information on shows/scenes/effects.

The Fray- How to Save a Life: This has been used in many shows that I have seen, mainly Grey's Anatomy, but the one I want to talk about today is Scrubs. The episode the song features in has really stuck with me and is something that I'll probably never forget. It was one of the first deeply emotional moments in this comedy that I remember. The song is used in a scene after the doctors transplant organs without knowing how the patient died, which they figure out too late and all the transplant patients die, and it is definitely a scene that has stuck with me for years!

Snow Patrol- Open Your Eyes: So the show this was featured in was The US Office, and to me is the song that reminds me of Jim & Pam! If you've watched The Office and didn't ship Jim & Pam then you are crazy. This song is used in the second to last episode and Jim makes Pam a video to show how much he loves her and honestly it seriously killed me! It was the sweetest moment and every time I listen to this song I feel an overwhelming feeling on joy (as non weird as that sounds).

Aidan Knight- Dream Team: The show this song was featured in was Haven, and it was such an emotional scene; Duke has to accept that Jennifer has died and basically let go of her and this song is played while there is a montage of their best bits play. Every time I listen to this song I feel all the emotions all over again, it is such a beautiful song.

Anna Nalick- Breathe: This song was featured in the musical episode of Grey's Anatomy and it is to me one of the best moments from the episode. It is sung by Lexie as she is looking for Mark while Callie is in surgery and I think its such a good song to tell their story and it just makes you feel so many different emotions.

Bruce Springsteen- Dancing In The Dark: This song was featured in The Mindy Project and was honestly the greatest moment in the show. It is featured in the season 2 finale and is just one big parallel. It is played while Danny is running through New York to find Mindy at the top of the Empire State Building and this scene was such a high for me because in the pilot Mindy is watching 'When Harry met Sally' and Danny is making a point of Harry running to find Sally a stupid thing to do this scene but proves his love for Mindy is pure and enough to change him.

James Vincent McMorrow- Look Out: This song was featured in Teen Wolf and just breaks my heart every time I listen to it. It was played after Allison's death scene and will just forever remind me of that scene, it was so heartbreaking watching her die in Scott's arms. This is such a beautiful song which is a perfect song to relax to.

One Two- Without You: So after some researching I figured out this song was played when Mark died in Grey's Anatomy...and I didn't even know, like this isn't what I even wanted to mention. Technically what I associate this song with isn't a TV show...its to do with a TV show, it was basically a Skye/Lincoln fan video on YouTube (sad I know). It basically stuck in my mind for a long time! Then one day I was listening to music and this came on shuffle and it basically broke my heart all over again, I love the song so much!

Rachel Platten- Fight Song: This song was featured in Pretty Little Liars and is one of my favourite scenes. It is played when Alison comes back to school (after being missing/dead), it is such an iconic moment and the song is just perfect for Alison. When she walks through the doors of the school to everyone staring at her while this is playing just makes it so amazing. I will forever be reminded of Alison Dilaurentis when I listen to this song.

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