Wednesday, 31 December 2014

bye bye twenty fourteen

so it is 2015, I would've said finally but this year came round way too quick!

My New Year's Eve was slightly different to what I had expected, it started out very well seeing my friends that I hadn't seen in a while, but I spent midnight hanging over the toilet at home throwing up. (sorry for any mental images)

So I thought I should do some sort of post for New Years and as my life revolves around the tv I would do a post that is about my top ten character deaths of 2014...with 1 being the worst in the sense of saddness.

so let's begin: 

10. Groot
I only recently watched guardians of the galaxy and I must admit I never thought the words 'we are groot' could be so upsetting...and I know groot isnt technically dead because he's a little baby twig now but it was just so sad!

9. Peeta Mellark

Okay before you panic he is not actually dead! I have put him on this list because the version of Peeta as we know him is dead, with the whole hijacking, and I thought that this picture I found on the internet shows that really well...and too see him go from that happy smiling boy to the crazed one at the end of mockingjay: part 1 literally breaks my heart!

8. Osgood (doctor who)

why did she have to go??? Osgood was one of my I swear I thought she was about to become the new companion when the doctor was like 'all of time and space' and then poof she was gone! I definitely need to see her again!

7.Charlotte (the 100)

this was a sad one, like she was so cute (apart from killing wells) and I really can't believe she jumped from the cliff...I really wish that her story hadn't ended there..

6. Mara (Haven)
as much as I loved Mara, I think it was probably her time to it wasn't a very sad death but I will miss her sarcastic comments and I did start to ship her with Duke...they made a rather good match if I say so myself.

5. Neal Cassidy (once upon a time)
as much as I love Hook and Emma, I was so in love with Emma and Neal and just sobbed so much when he from the moment he was onscreen he was just amazing and I do definitely miss him!

4. Jennifer Mason (Haven)
I know technically Jennifer died in 2013...but it wasn't officially said until 2014 so that is why she is on my list...and I'll tell you it was one of the saddest character deaths ever because she was such a bright happy person from the start to the end!

3. Danny Pink (doctor who)
this was a weird death because it kind of lasted a while and it was also because I never actually liked his character until he was dead. But the thing which made it sadder was that he was in the nethersphere and then when he was a cyberman and managed to overcome the control because of his love for Clara which just made me sob...and seeing him in the Christmas special in Clara's dream state was just heartbreaking!

2. Finn Collins (the 100)
this was the most shocking and saddest thing ever. one day I was just scrolling through tumblr when I see this post which had the words 'may we meet again' with a gifset of his death and I just couldn't believe it..he is one of my favourite characters and a main..and I just couldn't believe that they would kill off a main character, I sobbed so much but I fully understand why Clarke stabbed him and I think it was actually the cutest way for him to go.

1. Casey Braxton (home and away)

and the saddest character death of the year goes to Casey Braxton! The main reason I choose this as the top is for the pure reason I cried for 20 minutes straight and for like 5 episodes after especially the funeral..I was an emotional mess! But Lincoln Younes deserves an award because he was amazing at playing dead and also the moments just before! hopefully the gif will actually play because I thought they would be a good representation of how heart wrenching this was because he was such an amazing character and so happy and he died being such an amazing person trying to save his brother.


Tuesday, 30 December 2014

missed me?

when I first started writing this I had such high hopes of posting everyday and making it a permanent thing, but recently I just cannot seem to string a sentence together (which is not very good for someone trying to write a blog)

but fear not I do have a post coming for the new year (expect it late New Year's Day as I will be out New Year's Eve) and I'm hoping this will be quite good as I have been planning it for a couple of weeks, most likely won't but hey at least it will be something! 

how about an update on me? not much happens in my life...but it's been Christmas and it was actually pretty good if I'm honest, and my main present (what my mum likes to call the 'Santa present'..I dont think she likes the fact her children are all grown up) was a new TV which I am absolutely stoked about because as I've mentioned I spend about 98% of my time watching TV and having a bigger screen (was 15" now 22") is just fabulous!

I am finally going out tomorrow for New Year's Eve, which I am so excited about as I haven't been out in so long and get to see all my friends which is good because I am possibly the worst person with planning to meet with because i am the laziest person you will ever meet!

I think that's all from me, so I shall see you back here New Year's Day (well if you want to come back!) 


Wednesday, 17 December 2014


Wednesday can be the best or the worst day of the week...primarily because it is the middle day (of a 5 day week).

For me, it is kind of in the it's just another day...wake up, go to school, go home...and sleep.

that pretty much sums up most of my days I do add work in there occasionally which is mainly the reason I can never find anything to post unless it is uless rambling because I don't ever do anything!

but it's Christmas next week...something I should be excited about but I just cannot get into any Christmas mood (which is weird for me as I'm normally the one that is trying to work out what presents I've got).

I have also just decided (for like the 4th time...very bad at deciding) that I do want to go to university once I've finished sixth form so I'm in mid application...and finding it terribly hard to write a personal statement...I just hate having to write good things about myself!

So that is what I have to do when I get home...right now I am sat on a bus listening to Taylor Swift writing this because I really should keep my blog updated (then maybe more people would actually read) and I actually do enjoy writing it!

and I guess that is goodbye until the next time I find something to ramble on about!


Saturday, 13 December 2014

biscuit? sorry they're mine!

I haven't posted in a while, and if anyone reads this regularly..I am so sorry, I just haven't had any ideas of what to write.

But when I do post, I notice that post of my readers are from somewhere other than the UK which is amazing...and I'm wondering do you know of a show called Miranda? Well you will do now!

okay, so it's a sitcom about a character Miranda (created and played by the amazing Miranda Hart) and just follows her life really.

I am fully aware of how badly I have just described it but just please take my advice and just go watch it because I just know you will get attached and fall head over heels in love with the character because she is great!

but sadly this year Miranda Hart has decided to end the show with two specials; one Christmas Day and one New Year's Day....and I'll admit to you now, when I found out I actually cried a little because it's heartbreaking when you find out you're never going to see a new episode of your favourite show!

As much as I am excited about these last two episodes I am also terribly scared because what if she doesn't marry Gary?! Ever since I have been watching this...Miranda and Gary have been my otp, they are absolutely great and then Mike (yes okay he's alright I guess) came along and just kind of ruined things...and the last episode ended with both of them asking Miranda to marry them...and I know it's totally up to Miranda but if she doesn't choose Gary..I will never be able to unsee that which is another thing about a show ending...things become canon.

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