Before I actually started watching this I heard there was going to be a revival and that made me want to watch it even more so when Netflix put all the seasons on I just had to watch! I'm so beyond happy that I did because it just utterly brilliant! The array of characters and story lines are amazing and it is so incredibly funny with a touch of drama to make it even more obsessive!
The Gilmore Girls:
Lorelai and Rory Gilmore are the greatest characters to have ever graced my screen. Their relationship is one of the best things that has come out of the show, seeing their mother/daughter/best friend relationship is such a sacred and prominent part of the series. Individually they are both amazingly unique characters that have qualities that are greatly inspirational. I admire everything Lorelai has been through, after getting pregnant at 16 she single-handedly brought Rory up while building a career for herself. She defied the typical 'teen mom' stereotypes and she doesn't let her past define her which is amazing! Rory is such an amazingly smart character and I love that although it is a part of her story line it isn't all that the show focuses on. She is a character that teenage girls could relate to whether it be with school, friendships and relationships and that is something that has made the show as successful as it has been.
Luke and Lorelai:
Of course I cannot watch a tv show without shipping someone, and I have never felt so strongly about another ship like I do Luke and Lorelai. Since starting this show I have just been in love with them, their friendship turned romance was my favourite story line. I loved how protective Luke has been of Rory even though he wasn't her dad, he had that close of a relationship with her which made me love him so much more. It killed me so much when they weren't together that I literally watched the entire season 4 in one day just so I could see the kiss at the end of the season; every time they broke up it was such a struggle to watch especially when Lorelai and Christopher got was honestly the worst time of my life and I spent such a long time complaining to my brother about how they weren't together. I was so happy that in the finale they finally kissed again and basically admit they're still in love with each other and the fact Luke put together such an amazing going away party for Rory was just everything.
Rory, Dean, Jess and Logan:
I thought that I would put all of Rory's love interests into one section of this post as it took me about 6 seasons to fully realise who I actually shipped Rory with as all three of them were pretty amazing.
From left to right the pictures are of Rory with Dean, Jess and Logan.
Dean was Rory's first love interest and at the time I was totally in love with them, I thought nothing could go wrong and then Jess appeared. Jess is Luke's nephew and he came to Stars Hollow when Rory was still with Dean but Jess was just something new, and I wanted him to be with Rory so bad. When they were finally together everything was going great until it wasn't, they ended in such a horrible way and I really hated that. Along came Logan and I fell in love with him but after a while I grew tired of his character and just didn't like the way Rory was while she was with him. After seeing her with all three I am fully on team Jess...and I cannot wait for the revival as Jess is back and I would love to see his character again.
The Finale:
Ahh, the finale! It was just so beautiful on so many different levels. Of course, I I do with everything, and honestly they were a mix of happy and sad tears. This finale made me so proud of everything Lorelai and Rory have been through, and just made my love for Luke and Lorelai even stronger. Rory graduates from Yale and ends up getting a job which means she has to leave Stars Hollow in the next two days, having to cancel her graduating party. Luke then gets the whole town to get together and throw her a big surprise party, which was just the greatest and the speech she made was just so beautiful. Then Lorelai finding out that Luke planned the whole thing was my favourite part because they finally realised they are meant to be!
The Revival:
Watch the trailer here. On November 25th a four part series will be on Netflix. It focuses on 'A Year in the Life' of the Gilmore Girls. I literally cannot wait to see this since watching the whole series I have become obsessed with these characters and I just can't deal with that ending...I need to know what happens with Luke and Lorelai. Do they stay together? Do they get married? Whats going on in Rory's life? Did she stay working as a journalist? Or did she find another path in life? I shall be counting down the days until I can be back watching Gilmore Girls!