Thursday, 7 May 2015

the most shocking thing

ok, with every year comes the time where most TV shows end up getting canceled (surprisingly a lot of what I watch) and normally I can deal with that...because although I find them amazing, the first season was good but there probably isn't alot more they can add to the story, or there has been so many storylines that it is time for the show to come to an end.

But I have just woken up to the most shocking news ever...I honestly didn't think this would happen anytime soon but The Mindy Project has be canceled! For people who know me they know it is my absolute favourite thing in the world...ever since I first watched it I fell in love with the show and of course Mindy Kaling who is the greatest person on the earth (sorry mum!)

Right now I am just fueling with emotions...mostly anger! So I thought I would write something (as it should calm me down and I get another blogpost!)

The Mindy Project has just finished its third season (plenty of storylines to finish) and it definitely didn't leave on a good note...cliffhanger, which I'll never know the rest of. 

Since the very first episode I have been wanting Danny & Mindy to get together...which happened mid way in season 2, but didn't happen officially until the season 2 finale. But then season 3 happen and it was so good because Danny & Mindy are having a baby! Which would've been so good to see...and season 3 ended on such a cliffhanger, with Danny going to India to see Mindy's parents...I NEED TO KNOW HOW THAT ENDS!!

So really all I'm trying to say is that I think Fox have made the worst decision off all time...The Mindy Project has so much more potential as a show...and so many fans that cannot leave the story on that cliffhanger!!!

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